I had the awesome privilege to ask Joli Barker some of the questions that I had been wondering about throughout this class and even before. The answers that she gave were so awesome and I learned a lot about different technologies as well as a couple helpful hints :)

Here is how our conversation played out! (We communicated through email!)


Hi Joli,

My name is Carlee Quiring and I am profiling you for my ECMP355 class with Dean Shareski.  I was just wondering if I could do an interview with you to round out my profile?

Thanks so much,
Carlee Quiring


absolutely! What do you want to know?  :D


Oh that is so awesome! Thanks so much.  I have a few questions okay like 10.  Here they are:

  • What is your favorite piece of technology to use in the classroom?
  • What is the students favorite piece of technology to use?
  • What advice would you have for new teachers?
  • What is the most useful piece of technology you use?
  • What do you use the most often in the classroom in regards to technology?
  • How do you balance technology in the classroom?
  • How do you keep up to date with all of the new things in technology?
  • Do you use computers, cell phones, tablets ect. in your classroom? If so, which ones do you use and are there other to add to the list?
  • How can you use blogging effectively in the classroom or with you students?
  • How do you communicate with parents?
  • What is the most challenging aspect of technology in the classroom?
  • What is the least challenging aspect of technology in the classroom?
  • Are there any websites, apps or other resources that are "must-haves" for teachers?

Thank you so so so so much :)


  • What is your favorite piece of technology to use in the classroom?

digital camera/video camera and green screen.  This allows students to be super creative and expressive with their learning.  It can be applied to a variety of Web 2.0 tools and apps that integrate these images and clips seamlessly and creatively.

  • What is the students favorite piece of technology to use?

Tablets.  Hands down.  They enjoy creating with their tablets and playing games on them.  I try to avoid 100% consumptive apps, however, because I want them to utilize technology as a means of discovery or expression as much as possible.

  • What advice would you have for new teachers?

Don't try to do it all at once.  Choose 1-3 new technology tools and get really proficient at them then branch out.  Also, believe in your students.  Allow them to struggle and discover their own potential.  Be a facilitator not the primary source of information.  Create lessons that elicit evidence of self-worth, belonging, and significance in their world. 

  • What is the most useful piece of technology you use?

a camera/video camera:  it is useful in documenting performance and capturing what we call the OMG effect...Observing Major Genius!  (they came up with that one :D)  BRB is "Be Right-Brained :D

  • What do you use the most often in the classroom in regards to technology?

In terms of actual sites, I am a Discovery Education, BrainPop, ePals, Wikispaces, Math Pickle girl.  The most frequently used sites.  As for devices I use MacBooks (we are a MAC district ;/) and iPads/ipods everyday.  The students also create lessons on the Smart Board.

  • How do you balance technology in the classroom?

It is seamlessly integrated.  They use technology to learn, discover, create, communicate, as well as part of our gamification concept.   I will send you a link to a couple articles and my blog if you want more info on this.

  • How do you keep up to date with all of the new things in technology?

I have a massive PLN and regular Twitter following that I engage with daily.  I attend conferences and am a TCEA, CUE, ISTE, DEN, Microsoft Partners In Learning Network member.

  • Do you use computers, cell phones, tablets ect. in your classroom? If so, which ones do you use and are there other to add to the list?

I use iphones, ipods, ipads, minimacs, macbooks, smartboards, XBOX 360, Kinect

  • How can you use blogging effectively in the classroom or with you students?

We blog daily.  Whether it is a daily reflection blog, a way to communicate with classes around the world, or with each other to discuss learning, we blog daily. 

  • How do you communicate with parents?

   This explains it all :D

  • What is the most challenging aspect of technology in the classroom?

Time management and adequate training of students.  As well as the unpredictability of technology :D

  • What is the least challenging aspect of technology in the classroom?

diving in and trying!  I am a risk taker and willing to try even if I fail.

  • Are there any websites, apps or other resources that are "must-haves" for teachers?


educreations app
explain everything app
sums stacker app

Here is my blog www.fearlessclassroom.blogspot.com
my class wiki is www.brockstars2011-2012.wikispaces.com
the gamification article is http://www.fearlessclassroom.blogspot.com/2013/04/fearless-gaming-in-classroom.html

I could take about this all day :D  if you want more, I can give you more!


Wow that is fantastic! Thanks so much :)


my pleasure!  If you like the blog, feel free to share it!

She was so fantastic! Her blog is also amazing so everyone should check it out :)


She has awesome ideas and information about technology, being fearless and just about being a teacher!

For this post I explored what it meant to actually share my posts.  In the past I have not actually shared my posts because I felt like I didn't need or want to but in order to attract more readers you actually need to share!

For this post I have linked it to my twitter account and for the rest of the semester my challenge is to share all of my posts on twitter!

Yay for sharing!