Part 1

The presentation by George Couros was fantastic.  It was such a great reminder about how important our digital identity is and how it can both help and harm us in our professional lives.  Our society now looks to digital formats when thinking about how to hire and how that person may fit into their program or building.  It is important as teachers that we start to think about what our digital identity looks like now before we start to look for jobs.  It was a great reminder of the balance and how digital identities are formed :)

Thanks George Couros!

Part 2

When I googled my name there were many different things that came up.

I had the standard Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts.  I also have my tutoring profile.  There are other things that pop up like my involvement with the Briercrest college women's volleyball team and the stats that are linked to that team.  Other things that I found were a couple pictures, YouTube videos that I have uploaded and my Teachers Pay Teachers account.  When I got to the second page I found links to my blog and other things that I am mentioned in.  It was interesting to see what popped up.  I was happy to see that things such as my blog, tutoring profile and different profiles were at the top of the pages.  Some things that I would like to see in the future are links that are for my classroom or what I am doing in the field of education. 

Part 3

My new About Me page!

My new Vizify page!

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